I chose sexuality because it's in every culture but different between most cultures. Although most people would think that sexuality is natural. The text says that little human behavior is purely natural and if sexuality was purely natural it would be uniform among all societies. Sexual Orientation refers to the attraction that people feel for people of the same or different sex, something deeply rooted in a person. Sexual identity is the definition of oneself that is formed around one's sexual relationships. Sexual identity is learned in the context of our social relationships and the social structures in which we live. Sexuality is socially defined and patterned. I chose this picture because it shows a couple being intimate on what looks to be their wedding day.
I chose this article because it states how sexuality in the media is used.
I chose wiki again because it provides great information on the topic of sexuality.
There are 6 social basis for sexuality. One, human sexual attitudes and behaviors are different from culture to culture. Two, sexual attitudes and behavior change over time. Three, sexual identity is learned. Four, social institutions channel and direct human sexuality. Five, sex is influenced by economic forces in society. Last but not least, six, public policies regulate sexual and reproduction behaviors.
As we start to understand sexuality we learn sexual scripts which is the appropriate sexual behavior for each gender. Think about the United States and our gender roles then think about the gender roles in Afghanistan. Comparing these two extremes shows definite learned sexual scripts.
Sexuality and sociological theory there are three theories functionalist, conflict, and symbolic. Functionalist tend to depict sexuality in terms of it's contribution to the stability of social institutions like family. Conflict theorists see it as power relationships and economic inequality in society. Symbolic theory says that sex is learned not inborn.
Sex, diversity, and inequality reflect the social organization of society and understanding this you will begin to relate it to other social factors like race, class, and gender. Sexual orientation is part of the sexual politics of today. Same sex marriages and gay and lesbian rights are right at the top of the list.
I chose this video because it shows gay interpretation from the 1930's til present. It's interesting that is was funny in the thirties, wrong in the sixties and a choice in the present time.
I chose this article because it talks about the influences of sex in the media.
Then there are many songs that talk about sex. Take for instance Salt and Peppers song Let's talk about sex, I've included the first verse and the link to get the rest if your interested.
Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
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