I chose this topic because I would like to help make a change. Our world consists of both rich and poor countries. While some of the rich countries continue to become richer some of the poor countries continue to become poorer. Global stratification can be defined as the systematic inequalities between and among different groups within nations that result from the differences in wealth, power, and prestige of different societies relative to their position in the international economy. Rich countries usually have more power meaning they have the ability to exercise control over other countries including military, economic, and political power. There are three descriptors for country classifications. Core countries have the most power. Semi peripheral countries are semi-industrialized and represent the middle class countries to some degree. Peripheral countries are at the bottom of world stratification.
I chose this picture because it shows children probably in a Peripheral country. You can see their clothes don't fit and they're hauling bricks with a rope instead of a wheel barrow. With the amount of brick shown behind the children, it could be a long day.
The theories of inequality in the world are Modernization, Dependency, and, World Systems.
Modernization theory basically says technological progression or change with traditional attitudes, values, and institutions will help economic development.
Dependency theory focuses on the persistence of poverty.
World Systems theory says that no nation in the world can be considered in isolation.
I chose this wiki link to give more insight on the Modernization Theory.
I chose this link because although it's a different chapter in probably a different book, it covers all the definitions and topics for Global Stratification
I chose this video because it explains Global Stratification and has realistic pictures of people in poverty and population growth.
Population growth is one of the biggest differences in rich and poor countries. The poorest countries have the highest population growth. Poverty is usually felt more by women than men. The United Nations are carefully monitoring the status of women. I chose the following article from the UN that talks about women and discrimination.
Poverty described by the UN is either Absolute which is living on less that $1 a day or Extreme poverty which is living on less that $275 a year. That won't even cover most peoples monthly car payment in America.
I chose the song and lyrics to Michael Jackson's We are the world as shown and played in this you tube video because it describes a place where as a globe we can come together and help the world.
All in all, we the people, each and every one of us can make a difference. It's up to us, each and every one of us.
Review Guide
Definitions are listed above