Emerging Issues in Society

Emerging topics on Sexuality
One of the emerging issues in society is peoples choice to be flexible in their sexuality. Topics in the news have reported issues about not having to say whether you are heterosexual or bisexual. Gay, lesbian or straight is a hot topic. Why should people have to state their position? That is one of the developments, it’s called flexuality. http://turnstylenews.com/2011/01/24/how-sexually-flexible-are-you/#  In the news on March 3oth, from Hollywood, actors and actresses have decided that it’s their right to decide their sexual preference and it’s no one else’s business. Calling it flexuality, gives them the right to say I’m neither straight nor gay, I’m flexible and comfortable with it. This allows people to see them as a person instead of a gay or straight person. I believe with this terminology, we will be able to stop judging people for their sexual preference and start seeing them as just people. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

Emerging topics on Global Stratification
The earthquake in Japan has had a huge impact worldwide, this is a perfect example of Global Stratification. Within hours of the devastating earthquake the world was informed. We’ve seen the harmful effects worldwide including, nuclear facilitators making judgments on a global basis, stock markets crashing, the loss of life and families. We’ve also see good coming from it by the world coming to the aide of these victims of this huge disaster. Because of global stratification we can all work together worldwide to aide in major disasters.